Difference between Software Development, Web Development and App Development
Software Development: Software Development, as the name suggests, is a process of developing software products that involve analyzing the needs of users and then design, test and develop software to fulfill those needs or requirements of users. Software is developed using specific programming languages that in turn improves the quality of business....
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What is the difference between for and Foreach loop in PHP ?
Loops can be used to iterate over collection objects in PHP. The for and foreach loop can be used to iterate over the elements....
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Difference between ReactJS and Vue.js
ReactJS: ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook which is used to deal with the view layer for both Web and Mobile applications. It can be provided on the server-side along with working on the client-side. Features of ReactJS:...
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Difference between background and background-color
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Difference between JSP and HTML
1. Java Server Pages (JSP) : JSP stands for Java Server Pages. These files have the extension. jsp. The main advantage of JSP is that the programmer can insert Java code inside HTML. There are JSP tags to insert Java code. The programmer can write the tag at the end of the Java code. There are different JSP tags which can be used to accomplish various tasks. There are tags to share data between requests and pages and tags to pass control between pages and to get data from databases, etc. JSP is made on top of a Java-based technology called Java Servlet....
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Auto-Fit vs Auto-Fill Property in CSS Grid
One of the most important features in CSS Grid is that we can create a responsive layout without using a media query. We don’t need to write a media query for each viewport rather it can be adjusted by using some of the properties of CSS-Grid. It can be adjusted by simply using grid-template-columns property, repeat() function along with auto-fit and auto-fill keywords....
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Difference between preventDefault() and stopPropagation() methods in JavaScript
In this article, we will be discussing the PreventDefault & stopPropagation methods with suitable code examples for each condition & then we will see the difference between the PreventDefault vs stopPropagation....
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Difference between include() and include_once() in PHP
The include() function in PHP is mostly used to include the code/data of one PHP file to another file. During this process if there are any kind of errors then this require() function will display/give a warning but unlike the require() function in which the execution comes to a halt, the include() function will not stop the execution of the script rather the script will continue its process....
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Difference between readFile and createReadStream in Node.js
In this article, we will discuss the difference between readFile and createReadStream in Nodejs. Both are modules that allow us to open a file/stream and read data present in it....
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Difference between Web Server and Web Host
A web server is a computer that stores your website and sends it to people when they visit. A web host is a company that provides the space and support needed to keep your website online. Simply put, the web server is the machine that delivers your website, and the web host is the service that makes sure your website is available on the internet....
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Placeholder vs Value Attributes in HTML
Placeholder Attribute:The placeholder attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field/textarea. The short hint is revealed in the field before the user enters a value. It is just a temporary hint and has nothing to do with logical executions in the backend....
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Difference between JavaScript and VBScript
JavaScript is a lightweight and object-oriented scripting language used to create dynamic HTML pages with interactive effects within a webpage. It is an interpreted scripting language and its code is run in a web browser only. It is also called a browser’s language and can be used for client-side developments as well as server-side developments. It was developed by Brendan Eich at Netscape and was first released in 1995. JavaScript Example:...
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